Poster Session
1st Prize: $250
2nd Prize: $150
The Poster Session is an exhibit of Poster Presentations with an academic or professional focus. Each presenter makes brief remarks and answers questions to those who are circulating in the room. The format provides an introduction for people who have never presented at a conference or who want to present new research.
Posters efficiently communicate concepts and information to an audience using a combination of visuals and texts, interacting with viewers in an informal way. An abstract is a concise written summary of an undertaking such as a project, program, or investigation. An abstract is not a complete summary of an undertaking but instead highlights the most important points.
Presenters stand by their poster throughout the Poster Session, to offer information and engage in dialogue with conference delegates. There are two poster categories: Professional Posters and Graduate Student Posters.
Chair: Dr. Eileen Johnson, Director of Academic and Curatorial Programs, Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Information about poster sessions can be found via pdf here and should be submitted in a document via email directly to eileen.johnson@ttu.edu by March 1, 2025 for consideration.
Sponsored by Museum of Texas Tech University