PINs provide MPMA members a chance to gather in a
small group with like-minded professionals who do the same thing. For
example, those who belong to MPMA NAME (National Association of Museum
Exhibition) meet exhibit designers and techies from ten different
states and find out about their projects, where they buy exhibit-related
items, and what their opinion is on the latest exhibit issues. MPMA’s
groups operate informally and formally, provide a means by which
colleagues can network and discuss issues AND are open to all MPMA
members. These professional interest groups typically gather annually at the MPMA
Annual Conference and are in contact with each other throughout the
year. Some PINs are SPCs (Standing Professional Committees). They are PINs that meet specific requirements to have a vote on the MPMA Board.
Feel free to attend these groups’ meetings at the
next MPMA Annual Conference. You will find that they are your ticket to getting
to know others around the region who do what you do. For more
information, click on the links above to find out
more about the group (or groups) that interests you.